We’ll be back

The config of the old site was pretty broken. I had to reinstall the whole thing and start over. But don’t worry! All the old content will be back up soon.

Plus new content. Whatever that is worth to anyone.

In the mean time, here’a a picture of Freddie Ljungberg wearing pink shoes.


Also, here’s a list to 10 predictions I made for the future…

Ten predictions for the future.

10. We will run out of fun sized candy bars in the break room.
9. People will pursue non-real commodities like “money”, “pokemon”, and “level 40 in World of Warcraft” using almost all of their real time.
8. The thing that eats Facebook. I don’t know what the next social media platform will be but it will happen and it will be bigger than Facebook. People will, predictably, use it to complain about it and also make jokes like “remember Facebook???”
7. Another Bourne/Furious* movie. In fact, just the two of them combined into one super-turd of film history.
6. The next diet fad: grubs and bugs. You’ll be eating so “clean” and “earth conscious”.
5. Bottled air**
4. Kids watching videos of people playing video games becomes more popular than actual sports and video game stars richer than sports stars. People playing actual sports will be seen as “so 21st century” and kids will instead “jack in” for their daily exercise which will consist of just lying on the couch with some VR goggles on while your fat is electrically stimulated to burn calories.
3. Your favorite people will die.**
2. You will die and you’re probably someone’s favorite person.
1. Lord Trump’s third term.

*Replace with whatever movie franchise YOU hate.
**Already happening.

Please entertain us with a top 10 list of Premier League predictions for next decade.


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