Amazon and Facebook are about to pour more money into the Premier League The Premier League has so much money it literally doesn’t know how to spend it. It knows how to waste the money, but it doesn’t seem to know how to spend the money. And with Facebook and Amazon and probably…
ARFELANS TRPSM DEALDAT LIVE BLOG 0742 – Just sang “Roadhouse” by the Doors to my dog Porkchop. Her full name is Porkchop Express and I’m not saying I’ve been everywhere and done everything but a man would have to be some kind of fool to…
Reverse Trolley Dash 2017 – Save Our Season by Selling! (door chimes) Concierge: Mr. Wenger, how are you? Wenger: Well, thank you. A little tired. (sighs) Ok, if I am completely honest I need a little bit your help. Concierge: Say no more sir! I have exactly what you need…
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