Rebrov muses on race and class in modern Britain In what will almost certainly be either quickly retracted or apologized for, some Russian Racist Rag got former Tottenham mega-super-star Sergei Rebrov to give Spuds new Russian signing Pavlyuchenko some choice words of advice: I wouldn’t go for a walk on my…
One of those days… It’s one of those days where I’m sort of floundering around looking for something to write about. It’s not that there isn’t any news, au contraire there’s a barrel of stuff to write about, the problem is that there’s too…
Ole Big Ears Today’s the big day: the first ever “all English” Champions League final, the Debtor’s Bowl, the Toilet Bowl. Whatever you want to call it, there’s no denying that the Champions League final is a big day. Because, for one lucky…
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