Stoke v. Arsenal; no rest for the wicked Good morning cocksandwiches, and a happy Halloween to all of you, if you’re in to that sort of thing. Tomorrow, Arsenal travel to the windy hinterland and take on Stoke City in the Brittania stadium, which, given the fallout from…
We need less foreigners! No we don't! I just had to include the image above, I know it’s cruel, but, it’s pretty funny. There isn’t even any poop to scoop this morning. The Hleb/Nasri saga is still drawing on and I suspect that Wenger will sign/cut them…
garbage day Thursday is that day of the week in the EPL cycle where the press sits back, sated from the week’s feast on real news and starts digging up garbage and stirring shit. It’s also literally garbage day for me. I…
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