Let’s get straight to it: I guess Adebayor told Nicklas Bendtner “I’m on because you’re shit!” and then headbutted him. Then Bendtner’s dad threatened to beat up Adebayor’s dad or at least thought it best that Ade get a huge suspension so that his kid would get the starting position by default rather than through hard work and talent.
Ok, seriously, that’s enough of this story.
Teammates sometimes fight: Michael Jordan once famously blackened Steve Kerr’s eyes during practice. And Steve took the right attitude toward it describing Jordan in the following way:
I always got the sense that Michael was consumed with the game, consumed with winning and competing. Everyday was a war in practice and in games.
I get the sense that Adebayor has this same attitude. From what I’ve seen, he is willing to do what it takes to win the match. Now, Adebayor may have crossed a line but until I hear and see all the facts, I’m chalking it up to the only player on the pitch who didn’t want to lose the match showing his passion. I’d even bet Bendtner said something shitty to Ade or disrespected him in some way. Not only should the club deal with Ade, I also think the club ought to punish Bendtner because from what I’ve seen he tried to get Adebayor sent off. You can’t have teammates appealing to the ref to send each other off. That’s fucking insane.
But it’s done. Ade apologized, the team is dealing with it, let’s keep our finger’s crossed that Ade doesn’t get a retroactive straight red from the FA. That would be very unfair.
What this incident does provide is an opportunity for shitehawks like the submitter of this thread (who admits he knows nothing about football) and writers like this (who fails to admit he knows nothing about football) to have the monthly go at Arsenal and label them “worst losers in football.” Fuck.Off.
In what I hope is the last bit of fallout from the Spuds match: I guess some of the Spurs players sprayed Wenger with Champagne. I’m calling for a four match ban for all players involved, Wenger should only get champagne on him when HIS team wins. Just kidding, though I do find it quite amusing that Spurs were celebrating a semi-final win as if they’d just won the Superbowl. I guess that’s what you do when you haven’t won anything in 10 years.
Sigh… enough of that match. Arsenal lost to Middlesborough and I didn’t hear this much crapola.
In other news, a story that isn’t being confirmed, though due to it’s significance is receiving wide distribution, is that Theo Walcott is being shopped around for a half season loan. I have no problem with this if it’s true because right now, Walcott is not good enough to get a start ahead of Ade, Dudu, Bendtner, and van Persie. Frankly, he reminds me a bit of Jermaine Defoe: loads of speed but very little skill. Now I know the boss has spent a lot of time working with him, so the skill is almost certainly there. That means that he HAS the skill but is uncomfortable using it on the pitch. If that’s all true, then a loan period where he gets a run of 20 matches as a starting striker could break him out of his shell. So, yeah, loan him out and let him fight for his spot next year.
No news today about Saturday’s FA Cup opponent — Newcastle. But did you hear that AC Milan lost to Atalanta? He he. They are really struggling this year.
Oh yeah, did you also hear that Arsenal are in great financial shape? Largely due to intelligent financing, frugal spending, a great fan base, and not having some knob-gobbler “buy” the team on credit and saddle them with an insurmountable debt. I guess hard work and a good business plan does pay off, who knew?
Whew. All done. Cya later.
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