If the second coming of Christ ever happens, he’d do well to not have it in early March, because most of us would miss it by an hour. This whole stupid time change idea has to stop: “time” is not saved and I’ve yet to see a real scientific analysis that shows that somehow this moving of the clocks saves energy or whatever. From now on I’m not changing my clocks. I’m going on BST, that’s Bostelle Standard Time to hell with this clock switching madness.
In Arsenal news, I have what I think is the quote that all young players should tape to the inside of their lockers:
I am not the only one who has improved. So have Cesc [Fabregas] and [Mathieu] Flamini, Kolo [Toure] and [Emmanuel] Eboue. Without them, I’m nothing. ‘They have made me the player I am today, the way I played at the San Siro. Every single day in training, they’re telling me what I should be doing. Am I becoming a world-class player? I don’t know. That’s for others to judge. I am just doing what Arsenal ask me to do and enjoying myself on the pitch. I don’t care about achieving individual things. The most important thing is to achieve things with the team, to win the Premier League and the Champions League.
I don’t think that’s false modesty, people. He’s been talking like that all season. And that quote was gathered after he’d scored the second at the San Siro when one might be looking for a bit of self aggrandizing from the big striker.
I guess FIFA is going to look at the Taylor tackle to see if a further ban is warranted. Sigh. I’d much rather the FA deal with this issue in a systematic way by addressing the rules and culture of British football. FIFA mucking about is bad for the game because it’s just a one off punishment rather than a much needed paradigm shift.
Speaking of horrible tackles… The Daily Mail are playing up the threat of Wigan’s thug in residence “Browny.” I had a Browny this morning that had the face of Steve Bruce in it. I flushed it just like Arsenal are going to flush Wigan on their shitty pitch. However, if “Browny” thinks he’s going to intimidate this team, he’s in for a little Flamini.
Meanwhile Allie McLeish wants to show Sepp Blatter a video diary of all the bad tackles that have happened since the Eduardo tackle.
But when I’ve seen some of the challenges since (the Taylor challenge), then you would be banning players every week. I think the unfortunate thing about Eduardo was the horrible injury. If he had gone home with bruised shins, then we wouldn’t have heard any more about it. But some of the tackles the last couple of weeks that didn’t result in horrendous injuries were worse, far worse. If Sepp Blatter would like to sit down and watch them in slow motion, then I can easily show him.
Yes indeed Allie. At first there would be a lot of banning. But the defenders and the managers would quickly sort out that they have to actually teach and play FOOTBALL. Just like when they installed the DUI laws at first there were a lot of people going to jail…
Well, that’s about it. I’ve now had about 30 minutes of watching Arsenal play on what I could only call the worst pitch I have ever seen in the Premier League. The Rugby markings still on the field are a nice touch I must say; it makes me feel like I’m watching soccer in America! Now where are the noisemakers and people who know fuck all about football (the Man U supporters)?
Here’s to three points.